
remodeling diy failAs a result of countless home remodeling shows and online tutorials, many homeowners have the confidence and acquired wherewithal to complete daunting home renovation projects they would’ve never considered in years past. While this is a benefit to some homeowners, it can pose a challenge for others.

Livingston (2017) states that, “just because you can do it yourself – or DIY, for short – doesn’t necessarily mean you should.” Jobs requiring a high level of skill and/or possible complications such as laying flooring, electrical or plumbing work should be vetted out to the professionals.

Less complicated projects such as painting can be completed by the untrained homeowner. Homeowners should choose DIY projects with these aspects in mind: level of difficulty, level of skill needed, associated complexities, and related safety issues.

There are many who believe they are saving money through DIY projects but if you add up the potential mishaps and repair costs, it could very well end up costing more than hiring a contractor. Most of the time, product-related warranties are only in effect if all standards of installation are upheld as well as the licensing of the contractor used for install. For these reasons homeowners should always take the time to research and receive quotes for projects and decide if they are in fact saving money by completing these items on their own.

Livingston, A. (2017). Do It Yourself (DIY) or Hire a Contractor for Home Improvement Projects. Retrieved from

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